
The following area is where you will find the sermon messages, Bible studies and the Cybercast info.

Here is the link to the weekly cybercast:

Split Sermon - Overcoming Spiritual Apathy

What is apathy - indifference, lack of feeling emotion, interest or concern. What happens when we no longer care for or have the same interest in the issues, activities and the people that once captured our imagination and attention?

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Split Sermon - Exposing Satan’s Deadly Marketing Mix

Marketing Mix - 4 P's: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. Satan knows his time is short, the environment is changing and he will aggressively adapt. We must be strong in the Lord and resist Satan's trickery.

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Building Your Marriage On The 7 C’s of Genesis 2:18-25 - Part 5 - Creation

Marriage is for creation - Genesis 1:28 - 1. Be fruitful; 2. Multiply; 3. Fill the earth; 4. Subdue it; 5. Have dominion. God created man in His image and family teaches us about God - who is God, what is God, why is God. He created the physical family to teach us about Himself.

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Building Your Marriage On The 7 C’s of Genesis 2:18-25 - Part 4 - Closeness

Genesis 2:25 - the aim of one flesh is intimacy. Intimacy which is more than sex - it is physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual. Husbands need to learn about their wives and listen to her and understand her, and wives need to learn about their husbands and listen to him...

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Building Your Marriage On The 7 C’s Of Genesis 2:18-25 - Part 3 - Communication

God gave us instructions for a happy marriage in His word. For those called by God, He expects us to follow His instructions on happiness in marriage. Marriage is for communication and the goal of communication in marriage is two becoming one - Genesis 2:25.

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Building Your Marriage On The 7 C’s Of Genesis 2:18-25 - Part 2 - Companionship

Marriage is for companionship which is a synonym for friend or friendship. We are to be soul mates. God intended two to become one. Are we close friends, best friends, soul mates?

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Building Your Marriage On The 7 C’s of Genesis 2:18-25 - Part 1 - Completion

God wants marriage to be built on knowledge, understanding and wisdom and these come from God. He provides the blueprint and design for  marriage. The first foundational pillar of marriage is completion.

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Split Sermon - Love Is . . .

In this world it is becoming easier and easier to become angry and hate. There is a missing dimension in knowledge and God is not part of the knowledge in this world. God expects us to love even our enemies.

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Split Sermon - Occupy Until I Come

Our Master has gone on a long journey and has left instructions - specific, smart instructions - for us. Tasks to be carried out by the time He returns. How are we doing? Are we diligent and busy or procrastinating? What are we supposed to be doing while Christ is...

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Introduction To Marriage Series

God has given us the blueprint in the Bible for marriage so we can “live happily ever after”. Why don’t we have 100% success in marriage? Why aren’t all our marriages in the Church happy?  Marriage fails because of the people involved.

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