
The following area is where you will find the sermon messages, Bible studies and the Cybercast info.

Here is the link to the weekly cybercast:

Prepare To Be A King

Jesus Christ will return to the earth as King of kings. We will be those kings. One of the primary ways of preparing to be a king is to learn from the past - II Chronicles 10-36.

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Rise to the Challenge

Let's rise to the challenge knowing God's power will be provided. We draw the power from God. Do not retreat from following God's way.

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Ephesians 1 - Part 12 - Verses 5-14

Conclusion of the series on Ephesians 1. We have to elevate our perspective from the physical to the spiritual. We (the Church) are the most blessed people on the face of this earth. We must be ever mindful of where we are going and with the help of God we will...

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Ephesians 1 - Part 11 - Adoption Part 5

Abba - Aramaic word for Father and refers to a special relationship we are to have with God the Father. Along the journey to the Kingdom you will experience trials and pain and when you cry Abba, He will be there.

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Ephesians 1 - Part 10 - Adoption Part 4

Five covenant names of God: YHVH Nissi - The LORD is my banner; YHVH Mekaddishkem - The LORD that sanctifies you; YHVH Shalom: The LORD is peace; YHVH Tsidkenu - The LORD our righteousness; YHVH Shammah - The LORD is there.

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Ephesians 1 - Part 9 - Adoption Part 3

Two covenenant names of God: YHVH Jireh - the LORD will see and provide; YHVH Rapha - the LORD who heals.

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Don’t Neglect Your Call to Serve in God’s Work

Look around and find out where the needs of others are. With God's spirit we will seek to serve in God's service in our servant duties.

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Ephesians 1 - Part 8 - Adoption Part 2

Which is heavier in my mind - what I am going through and suffering now or what I will become and the future God has for me?

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Ephesians 1 - Part 7 - Adoption Part 1

We are children of God now. We are adopted. We are placed in the family of God. We will be brought to glory and fully spirit and we will be like Christ.

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Ephesians 1 - Part 6 - Conforming to the Image of Christ

We are to be the image of Christ. God's purpose in creating humanity is to reproduce Himself. God is perfect righteous character.

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