
The following area is where you will find the sermon messages, Bible studies and the Cybercast info.

Here is the link to the weekly cybercast:

Santa Claus - The Counterfeit of Jesus Christ

Satan created a counterfeit of Jesus Christ using Santa Claus. Satan wants to be like the most High and to be worshipped. He tries to make himself look as much like God as possible. 

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Does The Bible Influence Your Life?

All you need to know about life is found in the Bible - how to relate to God, how to relate to others, principles of friendship, finance, working, love, marriage and sex, etc. The Word of God is the foundation of life and it is in the Bible that we...

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Thanksgiving Message - Our Greatest Blessings

Am I blessed? Am I prospering? What are a Christian's greatest blessings?

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Do I Judge Others With Fairness And Equity

Key attributes of a righteous judge. Humans were created to rule, and part of ruling is the ability to judge. Do I judge others with fairness and equity?

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Teachers, Kings And Priests On A Pilgrimage

There are 3 major assignments awaiting every one of us in the future. We must complete our training now in an environment that is hostile to our preparation and hostile to our success.

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You Are The Light Of The World

Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, we need to reflect the light of the Son - Jesus Christ.

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Are We Counting On The Ebenezer?

Stand still and hold on to the Rock and trust in Him - God is our Ebenezer - I Samuel 7:12.

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Return To Me

The Feast of Trumpets is the day when earth will have its day in court - God will be judge, mankind is the accused. Unless mankind repents, the death penalty hangs over them. God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. We must warn them. God wants us...

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Prepare To Be A King

Jesus Christ will return to the earth as King of kings. We will be those kings. One of the primary ways of preparing to be a king is to learn from the past - II Chronicles 10-36.

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Rise to the Challenge

Let's rise to the challenge knowing God's power will be provided. We draw the power from God. Do not retreat from following God's way.

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